I saw this idea as posts on another person's blog. So I can't take credit for it but I think it would be great to update my blog at least once a week with what I am reading. So, I am on Book 3 of The Hunger Games, The Mockingjay, by Suzanne Collins. Now this is a good book. Actually all of them are great. I had to rush to read number one before the movie came out. And that was all she wrote ladies and gentlemen. I was hooked from there. My goal is to read 25 books this year. With my hectic schedule that will be hard but I know I can do it. I love to read, it's not a chore but I also love to do other things that take away from reading time. So I just might have to prioritize certain aspects of my life.
To say that Ms. Collins is on the same level of JK Rowlings is pretty close. I didn't think anyone could ever get kids to read again but Harry Potter inspired a little bit of hope in us all. I think that is the same thing we see here with Katniss, the main character of the series. It's just absolutely riveting with each page turn.