I just had to see the space shuttle launch. Yesterday at 6:21 AM EST the space shuttle Discovery took off. I heard about this launch the day before and was hesitant to wake up that early to see anything. But I figured since we are now in single digit launches for the program I might as well take this opportunity. It was fantastic. I saw one last year from St. Augustine but it was during the day from the Intercoastal.
This one lit up the pre-dawn sky. It was like a big ball of fire in the sky. Being roughly 45 miles away and on a hotel balcony I had no issues with watching the show. I had to hit the coffee brew button because I could barely pry my eyes open with a hack saw but it was worth it.
I recommend to everyone that has yet to see one don't miss the next 3 launches. Especially if they will launch one prior to sunrise.
Again, a once in a lifetime experience for everyone.